
** More info coming soon **

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Reviewers will be asked to look at a set of submissions and submit a review (both a few words and a rough rating). After the review period is over, we will go through the talks by category and select the talks based on accumulated reviews. If we can't make the decision among two or three talks, we'll check back with the reviewers and ask them for their opinion.

We'll of course notify you regardless of the review outcome with the result. We'll probably send out some of the acceptance mails before the rejection mails, to give accepted speakers a chance to step back, in case they cannot attend after all. Regardless of our decision, feel free to ping us for feedback, and we'll give you an overview over reviewer opinions!

We value your feedback. If you have any questions, concerns or wish to volunteer for the review team, please get in touch with

Selection Process

Reviewing the talks and tutorials submitted to a conference can be a daunting task – there is much to consider, and usually there are more great submissions than there are slots available in the conference schedule.

We'd like to make our reviewing process and guidelines transparent to every submitter and attendee, both to show you what will await you during the conference as an attendee, and to help you understand our decisions regarding your submissions as a submitter.





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